SFAR 73 Robinson R22/R44

If you are a helicopter pilot wanting to transition into the Robinson helicopter, the requirements based on SFAR 73 are:

● Awareness Training

● 10 hours dual flight instruction

● Enhanced training in autorotation procedures

● Enhanced training in autorotation procedures

● Engine rotor RPM control without the use of the governor

● Low rotor RPM recognition and recovery

● Effects of low G maneuvers and proper recovery procedures.

These are the minimum requirements. The amount of time it takes to become safe and proficient, depends on the students’ dedication, background and availability. We will work with your schedule and advise a plan that best fits your needs

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19PM Colombia

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10AM Ecuador


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11 noviembre
12 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
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10AM R. Dom
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Chez Space,
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Punta Cana
10 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
Centro León,
11 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
Chez Space,
Santo Domingo
12 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
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