Take off with confidence

Comprendemos la importancia de contar con el respaldo de los padres en esta emocionante aventura. Aquí encontrarán información clave que los ayudará a entender el proceso y brindará tranquilidad a medida que  persigues sus sueños en el mundo de la aviación.

Frequently Asked Questions


Assets: Private Airplane Pilot, Commercial Airplane Pilot, Private Helicopter Pilot, Commercial Helicopter Pilot, Flight Attendant.

Yes, it is a paid course because we are a private institution. The costs are fixed in dollars, since we receive students from all over the world, but Argentines have the option of paying the equivalent in Argentine pesos based on the exchange rate of the day.

The costs and payment method are established on a personalized basis at the time of the consultation between the academy staff and the interested person. Normally, cash and installment payments are allowed.

Each degree has its own estimated duration period, and these times may vary depending on the requirements of the prospective students. Most of them do not last more than 6 months or a year.

These professional training courses enable students to obtain official licenses issued by ANAC, which allow them to work legally throughout Argentina and explore opportunities abroad through companies that facilitate this or through validation procedures with the competent aeronautical entities of the countries in which they are interested in working.

We do not have an agreement with any aeronautical company that recruits academy graduates for jobs. We prioritize their freedom to choose their career path within the wide range of possibilities that aviation offers in the world, advising them from our experience but focusing on their personal interests.

Theoretical training can be done virtually, but practical sessions (flight hours or TCP practices) are held in person at the academy’s facilities in the city of Esperanza, Santa Fe.

The extra costs are the CMA (Aeronautical Medical Certificate) and the practices.


It consists of 12 months of professional training, corresponding to 3 months for a private pilot and 9 months for a commercial pilot. We offer a complete package with everything necessary to obtain these licenses and the comfort of exclusive accommodation for XFlight students. We have our own aircraft with which they can add hours daily and enjoy different destinations in our country while pursuing their career.

They can explore opportunities abroad through companies that facilitate this or through validation procedures with the competent aeronautical entity of the countries in which they are interested in working, since the national entity that issues these licenses in Argentina is ANAC, which also belongs to an international entity (ICAO) that makes this type of validation possible.

We do not offer scholarships for courses, but we offer a personalized, interest-free financing system so that you can access the course comfortably, focusing on your budget and the time you want to start the course.

Prior to your arrival in Argentina, we manage your registration by requesting personal information from the future student, including information on your medical history to analyze and confirm in advance that you will pass the psychophysical exam.

“Passport, Identity Card, High School Diploma (fully legalized and apostilled by The Hague), Criminal Record Certificate (legally certified and apostilled by The Hague).”

Santa Fe Capital and Esperanza, Province of Santa Fe. Strategic location for quality training where there is no air traffic and where the living area is extremely peaceful and safe.

Theoretical training can be done virtually, but practical sessions (flight hours or TCP practices) are held in person at the academy facilities in the city of Esperanza, Santa Fe.

They fly every day except Sunday and receive theoretical training three times a week, in addition to the study time that students must dedicate personally. Morning or afternoon schedules may vary due to weather conditions.

It depends on the season. Our advisors and current students can contact prospective students to suggest how to pack their luggage.

Our facilities are highly equipped and modern, with all the services of electricity, water and gas, as well as heating and air conditioning.

We do not have an agreement with any aeronautical company that recruits academy graduates for jobs. We prioritize their freedom to choose their career path within the wide range of possibilities that aviation offers in the world, advising them from our experience but focusing on their personal interests.

Any time of the year! It usually starts at the beginning or middle of each year.

Estás a un paso de conocer más acerca de nuestros cursos de aviación

Súmate a nuestra charla informativa para conocer detalles completos de nuestros programas de formación. Nuestros expertos estarán encantados de responder a todas tus consultas y ayudarte a trazar tu camino hacia el cielo.

Charla Virtual

2 noviembre
19PM Colombia

América Central

Charla Presencial

25 noviembre
10AM Ecuador


Charla Presencial

10 noviembre
11 noviembre
12 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
10AM R. Dom
10AM R. Dom
Centro León,
Chez Space,
Santo Domingo
Punta Cana
10 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
Centro León,
11 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
Chez Space,
Santo Domingo
12 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
Punta Cana

República Dominicana

Charla Presencial

8 diciembre
Hotel “Del
Pilar Miraflores”

Perú - Lima

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