Private Pilot Airplane License
It is the most beautiful stage for any pilot. Once the pilot certificate and the instrument rating are obtained, is time to explore all the wonders that Florida has to offer, and what a better way to do that than flying.
During this course, the student will have to accumulate flight time, otherwise known as “Time Building”. They will fly together with other pilots and both will explore and share their experience and knowledge, significantly improving their aeronautical skills. Además, en esta etapa el alumno aprenderá maniobras de mayor complejidad y fortalecerá el conocimiento obtenido en sus licencias anteriores.
X-FLIGHT Aviation Academy makes use of the “Cessna Training Kits” digital platform, that can be accessed online/offline on IPAD IOS or via web browser on other devices. The platform design follows the same Stages and Scenarios structure which makes studying very productive, taking full advantage of it audiovisual and audiobook resources, helping the students to train their hearing in Aeronautical English.

There are two pathways to obtain a commercial pilot certificate:
Opción – Parte 61:
This path is oriented towards foreign students that already have flying experience back in their home countries. Students will be assisted to complete whatever requirements are missing under Part 61 certification, like: cross-countries, night flying time, corresponding maneuvers and total time to attain the minimum of 250 hours required by the FAA. Se les brinda ayuda para completar los requisitos que les hagan falta de la parte 61, como ser: navegaciones, horas de vuelo nocturno, maniobras correspondientes y las horas que necesiten para completar las 250 horas exigidas (como mínimo) por la FAA.
Once the student meets all the requirements and demonstrates a high level of knowledge, will be examined by an FAA representative to obtain the Commercial Pilot Certificate.
Minimum requirements:
– Hold a Commercial Pilot Certificate
– Instrument rating (preferably)
– Class II Medical Certificate
– Be able to speak, read and write in English, to a minimum of ICAO Level 4