Private Pilot Airplane

Minimum requirements: 35 hours of flight time, 35 hours of ground school.

Your dream starts here. With this course you will be able to start experiencing the beautiful sensation of flying, with the help of the best aeronautical professionals that will train you in our state-of-the-art airplane fleet.

* information: if you already have a private pilot certificate from another agency, you may be interested in our License Conversion Program, also offered in our school.

* information: If you already have previous airplane or helicopter flying experience, but do not have your certificate yet, you might be interested in our Individual Training Program

* information: if you are a international student: we offer you a quick training program for private pilots. In only 4 ½ weeks you can obtain your first-year license. Contact us if you are interested in our accelerated program.

Initial training – First Stage

The goal of this course is for the student to be able to attain the base knowledge for the pilot’s career. During the training the student will be provided with the necessary tools to do the first Solo flight, that is when this stage finishes.

Cross-Country Flight – Second Stage

During this stage the properties and capabilities of the airplane are studied, together with flight planning and navigation and weight and payload; additional Solo flights are conducted, and the cross-country flights begin.

After this, the student will have a second “progress check” that must satisfactorily approve ahead of the first solo cross-country flight, which marks the end of the second stage.

Exam preparation – Third Stage

The final examen comprises a theoretical and a practical instance.

In the theoretical part, the student must be able to answer and solve questions based on regulations and private pilot theory. In the practical part, the student will conduct a flight with the examiner and must satisfactorily demonstrate in flight maneuvers as requested while carrying out the required traffic control communications, navigating and ensuring the safety of the flight.

After the exam, and based on the results, the student will obtain his or her first certificate: the Private Pilot Certificate, issued by the FAA

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19PM Colombia

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25 noviembre
10AM Ecuador


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10 noviembre
11 noviembre
12 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
10AM R. Dom
10AM R. Dom
Centro León,
Chez Space,
Santo Domingo
Punta Cana
10 noviembre
15PM R. Dom
Centro León,
11 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
Chez Space,
Santo Domingo
12 noviembre
10AM R. Dom
Punta Cana

República Dominicana

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8 diciembre
Hotel “Del
Pilar Miraflores”

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